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Oting Massacre: NSCN (I-M) slams Amit Shah’s statement in Parliament; joins AFSPA repeal chorus

File picture of NSCN (I-M) chief Th Muivah and collective leadership with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former Home Minister Rajnath Singh.

Asserting that “blood and  political talks” cannot go together, the outfit maintained that the Nagas can no longer be made the laughing stock in the eyes of the world. No political talks will be meaningful under the shadow of AFSPA, it added.

TFM Desk

The National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Isak-Muivah) condemned the “irresponsible” statement of the Union Home Minister Amit Shah in the Parliament on Oting massacre. NSCN (I-M) also asserted that no political talks will be meaningful under the shadow of AFSPA, while asserting that the “notorious” Act must be withdrawn.

NSCN (I-M) has taken a strong exception to the irresponsible statement of the Union Home Minister Amit Shah in the Indian Parliament on Oting’s mass killing by the 21st Para Commandos of the Indian Army on December 4, 2021, in Mon district, Nagaland, stated a “condemnation statement” issued by the Ministry of Information and Publicity of the outfit. 

Stating that Shah’s statement comes when the whole Nagas are in a state of mourning in solidarity with Naga brethren belonging to the Konyak community in Mon district, NSCN (I-M) maintained that in a situation like this, Amit Shah was expected to show political maturity and practical statesmanship in order to cool down the “socio-political upheavals”. 

“Ironically, he poured fuel to the burning issue by standing behind the Para Commandos under his command with his fictional sleuth stories supporting the Para Commandos for their heinous act of killings. This is like rubbing salt and chili in the wounds of the Nagas.”

NSCN (I-M) also alleged that there was no signal to stop the pick-up van of the coal laborers as mentioned by Amit Shah in Parliament. One of the survivors, Sheiwang who is undergoing treatment at the Assam Medical College and Hospital in Dibrugarh, said, “They shot right at us, no signal to stop, we did not flee.” 

“There is nothing to doubt that it was a botched ambush with deliberate mission to kill and 

nothing to do with ‘credible’ intelligence of the NSCN movement in the area. Nothing can be far 

from the truth that it was something executed deliberately,” it added. 

The Naga outfit also alleged that the Army was found stripping naked the dead bodies of the Naga civilians with military dress to give the impression in the eyes of the media and the world that they have gunned down the militants. Luckily, they were caught red handed by the villagers before they succeeded through their plan, it added. 

‘AFSPA must be immediately withdrawn’

The NSCN (I-M) further said that the outfit has now been driven to the point to take the stand on the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA). 

“This notorious AFSPA has given the Indian security forces the license to shoot and kill anyone on mere suspicion. We Nagas have endured the insults heaped on our human dignity for too long. The Nagas have had the bitter taste of this Act on numerous occasions and it has spilled enough blood.”

Asserting that “blood and  political talks” cannot go together, the outfit maintained that the Nagas can no longer be made the laughing stock in the eyes of the world. No political talks will be meaningful under the shadow of AFSPA, it added. 

“Let human dignity take control and be made an integral part of the Naga political peace process. 

Unfortunately, the Oting’s killing has become a threat to the Nagas’ longing for Naga political solution. Therefore, placed under this compelling situation, NSCN put on record that ‘enough is enough’ the atrocities and tortures meted out to the Naga people by the Indian soldiers.”

NSCN (I-M), which has been in peace talks for more than two decades, asserted that if the Government of India (GoI) wants to do justice to the Naga people, AFSPA must be immediately withdrawn and investigation for proper prosecution must be immediately constituted. Investigation must be independent and transparent. Prosecution must be done for justice for the people in general and the victims in particular. It must also be transparent so that scrutiny from any quarter must sustain, it added. 

“It is necessary to remind oneself that the reckless perpetration of atrocities and tortures meted out to the Naga people during the Oinam’s Bluebird Operation in 1987 for which a case was taken up in the Gauhati High Court (GHC) but when judgment was about to be delivered by the GHC the Chief Justice of India had prevented, may be at the behest of the GoI from writing the required judgment.”

The Naga outfit maintained that such past instances have emboldened the Indian soldiers beyond measures and they have been treating the 

Nagas like “sub-human beings” without fear of any scrutiny of the court of law. 

“Therefore, this time round, the Naga people expect that the judgment must be transparent and must be swiftly delivered. This is the only way to establish absolute fidelity between the Naga people and the Government of India.”

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