The “de facto” republic Constitution of India should be operated and limited in the territory of the republic India, and should not encroach in the territory of the monarchic state of Manipur, Yambem Biren said in a statement.
TFM Desk
Chief minister of the “de jure” government of Manipur (government-in-exile), Yambem Biren has issued a statement dubbing January 1 as the “constitution day of Manipur”, stating that Manipur State Constitution Act 1947 is a legal constitution enacted by the Maharaja of Manipur as a sovereign authority on the day of January 1, 1947. Sovereign is the source of law, it said.
Yambem Biren said that state means Manipur State created by the Manipur State Constitution Act 1947. The state comprises the whole territory of Manipur as delineated in the maps of the Survey of present-day India at the date of enactment of this constitution. The Manipur State Constitution Act 1947 was enforced on January 2, 1947 as published in the Manipur Gazette, it added.
Section 44 of the Constitution also provided Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizenship of Manipur. The Maharaja in Council is a legal sovereign authority under Section 31 of the Constitution. The Manipur State Constitution Act 1947 got in codification from the Crown paramountcy; therefore, a special clause is provided as, wherein any case circumstances arise which prevent the proper operation in law or in the spirit of this Constitution Act, the Manipur State Council may at their discretion refer the matter for decision to such authority outside the state as may be decided hereafter and the decision of that authority shall be binding, the “chief minister” argued in the statement.
It further asserted that the “de facto” republic Constitution of India should be operated and limited in the territory of the republic India, and should not encroach in the territory of the Monarchic state of Manipur. “One constitution creates only one state, but the Constitution of India creates more than 27 states. It is a misnomer in the eyes of the law”, Yambem Biren contended.
Article 1 of India’s Constitution is provided as India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of states. It is often misread, and it should be read as India, that is Bharat shall be a “Union of India”. Every Union or state or village has a name of the Union or state or village. In the case of the United States of America, fifty states in America are created by their constitution, it added.