The 76th Naga Independence Day Celebration was held in different corners of Ukhrul and Kamjong District of Manipur on Sunday.
TFM Ukhrul Correspondent
With the rest of the Nagas living in different area, the people of Ukhrul and Kamjong celebrated the 76th Naga Independence Day. The celebration was observed in different parts of Ukhrul and Kamjong.
Attending the occasion as Chief Guest at Ukhrul Headquarters,

stated that “I as a Chakhesang, on behalf of my Chakhesang people and Pfutzero in particular brings warm greetings to you all Tagkhul brothers and sisters. Today, I am truly honoured to be in your midst sharing this moment on our historic day. Thank you Tangkhul community for giving so many great leaders for the Nagas.”
K. Mero while hoisting the Naga flag stated “I paid rich homage to those self-sacrificing and devote leaders and patriots who struggles for our inalienable rights throughout their lives and when necessary, even laod down their lives for our freedom. I also offer my condolences to the valiant Naga martyrs, who displayed magnificent herosim and the spirit of sacrifice in these 76 years.
“Our nation foundation is built with the blood, sweat and tears of our Naga people. An invaluable legacy inherited. Today as we the 76th Naga Independence Day, we also should introspect what remains to be done to strengthen our nation. Learning from our failures would surely make us stronger.
“I also share with regrets that some section of the Naga people are enticed by our adversaries to sabotage oir common aspirations of one nation, one people. However, they need no attention. They will slowly fade away with times. We cannot do much to correct those few traitors as they are doing it intentionally, fully aware of our unmistakable political rights. However, we can collectively put our sincere efforts to educate those waylaid ignorantly. The pioneers of our national movement encompass all Naga cutting across artificial internstional and state boundaries created in the recent times by our adversaries without our consent.
“NSCN is fully committed to oir responsibility and we will continue to stand on our ground and do whatever it takes us to defend ourselves. I would like to reiterate that Naga are not seccessionist neither aggressors in any way. Some of our neighbouring communities believe in the order of tyranny and chaos. Some may worship leader of those communities for few benefits at the moment. But I boldly say that they all shall pass too.
“These 25 years of restraint exercise by us despite the enormous human rights and ceasefire violation perpetrated against us is a clear measage that Naga people are committed for a sustainable peace in our homeland amd towards the neighbours around us.
“We are well aware that India went running around the world looking for our leaders to resolve the protracted Indo-Naga political issue. Various Indian politician, including Prime Minister of that time have accepted the unmistakable facts of our political rights. Even many Indian Generals have acknowledged Naga issue is political in nature and not military neither law and order situation.
“Realising this unchallengeable position, the Government of India proposed for ceasefire as no meaningful political talks could be held when there is war at the griund level. Accordingly, both the parties agreed for ceasefire. And the talk began in three basic principles: without condition, at the highest level and in third country. After several rounds of talks, the Government of India officially recognised the unique history and the situation of the Nagas on 11 July 2002. The rational step made the political negotiation more progressive inspite of the so many hurdles and hiccups faced by both the parties.
“On 3rd August 2015 Franework Agreement was signed with both the parties acknowledging the universal principle that in democracy, sovereignty lies with the people. It also accepted for an enduring inclusive peaceful co-existence of the two nations through the sharing of sovereign power.
“However, having done all these, the Givernment of India is not able to keep up to its commitment. They are trying to shy away by experimenting various unwarranted and unethical policies towards the Naga. We Nagas have not taken lightly with any insult meted on us. History is our good teacher.
“It is on the strength of our steadfast belief in our right and relentless pursuit with unity, our cause is still alive today. However, Government of India is not prepared to honour the aspirations of the Nagas. Further, to our most disappointment we have already witness a period of time where some element within us appeared to have fallen into the trap of our adversaries and have started to go against the founding principle of the Naga Movement despite National principle of undivided Naga was loud and clear and that the Nagas are truly one and shall remain so. The clamor for Nagaland centric solution is grossly misplaced. It is clear ploy by our enemies to divide us and divisive agendas must be promptly dispelled, however, bonding is not enough for the Nagas to blame the adversaries. A strong united neighbouring house isnthe need of the hour. No matter how crafty and overwhelming the plot hatch by inimical element might be, it is not too late to rebuild our trust between among our people. Let us come closer to each other and face uncertainties which lies ahead of us. Let us do it for our people and for the Nation. May Almighty grant understanding anoung our people.”
The celebration was also attended by leaders of Tangkhul CSOs and elders from every nook and corner. The Wung Tangkhul Region (WTR) have successfully organised the 76th Independence celebration in different partsnof Ukhrul and Kamjong District. This year celebration was attended by many people from different walks of life.