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No reason to be at war: RPF urges ‘foreign insurgents’ to stop attack


The outfit said Indian Army is using Kuki National Army-Burma (KNA-B) cadres as a proxy force to attack PLA and other revolutionary groups in the region

TFM Desk

The proscribed Revolutionary People’s Front (RPF) has accused India of using CNF and KNA-B as disposable tools for its benefit in the name of supporting their struggle for Democracy against Myanmar Government. The RPF has made an appeal to “all genuine insurgent organisations of neighbouring  country” clarifying that they are not its conflicting parties of WESEA Region.

“In principle we are Revolutionary Brothers therefore there is no reason to be at war with each other. Therefore, RPF is calling on you to stop attacking us, the Revolutionary Organisations of WESEA. RPF and its army PLA have a desire to maintain amity with any genuine insurgents of neighbouring foreign country. If so, we can prevent ourselves from unnecessary loss of lives and resources too. For the moment, to protect ourselves from any kind of assault in the future PLA ought to take up “best form of defensive”, a press statement issued by its Deputy Secretary Publicity Roben Khuman said.

The statement further claimed Indian Army is using Kuki National Army-Burma (KNA-B) cadres as a proxy force to attack PLA and other revolutionary groups in the region. “In addition, India is using the name of KNA-B for India’s Unconventional Military Activities – the conduct of sabotage, subversion, and destabilisation through undeclared Indian forces – outside WESEA Region targeting Myanmar directly,” it added.

RPF asserted that it does not have any policy or reason to attack any foreign insurgents. The statement said that PLA, in principle and praxis, never attack them except defending ourselves. “The fraternal insurgent groups must understand that RPF’s conflict is only with India since India had occupied of our country forcibly in 1949 and RPF is resisting India’s occupation,” it added.

RPF said any publications or posts in the mass media about PLA attacking to other foreign insurgents or ethnic communities are not only “far from the truth” but also a cheap propaganda initiated by India and its henchmen. A cheap propaganda cannot tarnish the image of RPF because everybody knows that “RPF always has a bee in its bonnet about Principle”; Principle is the backbone of a genuine revolutionary organisation, it added.

Recalling the 1995 Operation Golden Bird conducted by Indian Army, the outfit noted in 1994, the representatives of RPF met with Mr Alexander and Dr Benjamin, the leaders of Chin National Front (CNF) of Myanmar, in Bangladesh to establish a  relationship and to build camps inside their territory even if the relationship of CNF with the Indian  Intelligence and Indian Army were well known.

In 1995, Dr Benjamin asked unexpectedly about RPF’s “Weapons Transportation Planning” and he even demanded twenty-five percent of the consignment as levy if it was to pass through their territory. Thereafter, CNF aided the Operation GOLDEN BIRD  initiated by Indian Army in 1995 to intercept weapon consignments providing details to Indian Military Intelligence, it said.

The statement highlighted that then in 1997, the RPF leaders met with a prominent leader of CNF at UN Building in Geneva, Switzerland and there ensued a brief argument between the two sides about the 1995 incident (OP:  Golden Bird) however the two organisations brought an understanding finally. RPF expressed to the leader of the CNF that “Even if we have different enemies, in principle we are revolutionary brothers who are fighting for our freedom. We are not enemies; we should not fight each other”.

“Since then (1997) there has been no confrontation between the two organisations but then again, about a quarter of century later, on January 13, 2022 a joint force of Indian Army’s Special Force Para Regiment and Chin National Army (CNA), army of CNF attacked a PLA camp,” it said.

The statement further said on 13th November 2021, PLA killed a Commanding Officer (CO) of Assam Rifles in an ambush who was boastful himself as a “Friend of Chin and Kuki people”. Because of his overweening arrogance and defying operation protocols, he lost everything including his own life, it said.

“The disgraceful Indian Army and Indian Intelligence pressured CNF to take revenge against PLA for killing the CO of AR who was dearest friend of CNF and Chin-Kuki people. Thereby, in the early morning of January 13, 2022, a combined forces of 21 Para Regiment (Special Force) of Indian Army along with CNA attacked 252 Mobile Battalion of PLA (date 13 was choosing intentionally to match the 13th of November to justify revenge?). In the said attack revenge, three PLA cadres made the ultimate sacrifice and the Indian and Chin combined force had also suffered around a dozen of causalities among them CNA had lost many of its valuable cadres including officers meaninglessly,” it said.

“We should beware that Deception and Betrayal are trademarks of the Government of India and politicians as well. On the verge of OP: Golden Bird, the Indian Army misinformed the Myanmar Government that a joint force of CNF and PLA were going to attack Myanmar Military Posts in Chin State of Myanmar. When Myanmar knew India’s deception and some other reasons, Myanmar Army pulled out of the operation,” the outfit said.

The RPF maintained that post 1971 Bangladesh people frown upon India even though Bangladesh got India’s support in their liberation movement for meddling in their internal affairs and espousing the mala fide intent that India should have annexed Bangladesh instead of helping Bangladesh to get its independence.

It also cited that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), an armed insurgency fighting for a separate state in Sri Lanka, assassinated Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 because of India’s betrayal and role of Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) against LTTE in Sri Lanka.

It questioned for how long India would be using CNF and KNA-B as disposable tools for India’s own benefit in the name of supporting their struggle for Democracy against Myanmar Government. The outfit asked whether it is right call to adopt the policy of fighting against revolutionary organisation of WESEA Region and appointing Assam Rifles soldiers as Commanders of KNA-B.

“It is high time for Myanmar insurgents especially KNA-B, by way of learning from the history and experience of Bangladesh and LTTE, to think again about the policy and outlook towards India and more importantly towards the fraternal revolutionary organisations of WESEA Region engaging in a critical retrospection. This is RPF’s genuine call on Myanmar Insurgents,” the outfit said..

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