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NDPP has not lost its track, says Chingwang Konyak


The president of NDPP, Nagaland said that the defeat was for “national and international” issues whereas the ULB elections was to penetrate into the domestic issues which has been experienced after a gap of almost two decades.

By Imna Longchar, TFM Nagaland Correspondent

Nationalist Democratic People’s Party (NDPP) chief Chingwang Konyak on Saturday rubbished that after the party’s defeat in the recently held Lok Sabha elections, it has lost track of the people’s confidence.

Addressing many of the NDPP workers, officials, and other MLAs who are governing the state led by chief minister, Neiphiu Rio, at a thanks-giving programme of newly the elected chairman Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC), at Honili Memorial Higher Secondary School, Lhomithi Colony, Dimapur, Chingwang said many of the people had shared their opinion on the defeat of the NDPP candidature, Dr Chumben Murry, to the Congress candidate, S Supongmeren Jamir, but he articulated that the defeat was for “national and international” issues whereas the ULB elections was to penetrate into the domestic issues which has been experienced after a gap of almost two decades.

The veteran politician and the president of NDPP, Nagaland, has asked the unopposed candidate of the ULB elections and unanimously elected to chair the DMC to work from the grassroots along with his team in order to set an example of good leadership.

MLA and Advisor, Labour and Employment, Skill Development, and Entrepreneurship and Excise, Nagaland, Moatoshi Longkumer, in his address, felt that the Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) should adapt to changes based on the requirements and needs of the people, as what worked two decades ago may not work today.

“20 years is a long year and the lapses between have become an excitement for the people of Dimapur have finally found confidence in the NDPP by voting for the party and by bringing them into the mainstream with a thumping victory”, Moatoshi said.

Though he said that there are “expectations” with a huge task to carry forward, the MLA  and advisor said as the civic body is taking a new shape following the elections held after nearly 20 years, people have expectations for which he pointed out that the new chairman has a big responsibility and task to carry forward.

Longkumer also went on to add that Dimapur being the only commercial hub of the state, there should be a commitment from the newly inducted chairman and his councillors to bring an exemplary set-up through their performance (s).

Also speaking at the event, Advisor to Industries and Commerce, Hekani Jakhalu said that an exciting time has arrived with urban local bodies being formed and the DMC under the leadership of Hukheto Yepthomi is set to serve the people.

Advisor, Industries and Commerce, Hekani Jakhalu Kense, in her address motivated the gatherings by saying that the ULB election already being held result been declared which according to her is an “excitement” and a “challenge” as it was successfully held after keeping in abeyance for almost two decades.

She cautioned that people could be impatient sometimes and unnecessarily burden them with their expectations but encouraged the chairman and all the council members to be patient and tolerant.

Secretary General, NDPP, Abu Metha, while speaking in front of the many NDPP MLAs and others said that the NDPP is a regional party whose ideology and foundations are rooted in regional ideology that is committed to carrying the voices, aspirations and the desire of the Naga people and committed to stand, protect and preserve the culture, heritage and history of Nagaland.

He said the Nagaland state government under the vision and the guidance of Chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio, will have an all new approach to take up urban planning and urban development in order to dub Dimapur as a mini India.

Metha later added that Dimapur city would determine the destiny of millions of people for generations to come, but with the advantage of geography, they cannot sit and wait for good things to happen but need to put their collective minds together.

Meanwhile, the new DMC chairman, Hukheto Yepthomi, in his address thanked the NDPP led by the chief minister and party president Chingwang Konyak for bestowing faith in him and electing him as leader of DMC.

As he said that it has been a long time and everyone was yearning for development, Hukheto maintained that he was walking towards his common goal, an appeal was also made by citing that “let’s be patient and understand that this DMC is taking charge after 20 years”.

To refrain from making any promises at the moment as the newly elected members have been tasked with overseeing issues from the predecessors, Yepthomi however maintained that as the new team embark on their journey towards a “better future”, assured that the DMC would address the pressing issues at the earliest.

He said that he would refrain from making any promises now, as they have been tasked with lot of work and issues from the past, as they embarked on a journey towards a better future but assured that the DMC will address the pressing issues at the earliest.

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