According to a statement issued by Sunzu Bachaspatimayum, Secretary, MSFDS, Johnson Rajkumar was among the four film archivists of the world who were awarded at the inauguration of the workshop for their outstanding contribution to the movement of film archiving and preservation in their respective countries. Manipuri Film Archivist, Johnson Rajkumar was adjudged the “Champions of Film Heritage” with the citation, “For his selfless commitment and courage in taking the road less travelled with limited support and resources and taking on the challenge of sparking a movement for film preservation and laying the foundation to building a film archive and training archivists in his home state of Manipur.”. Other awardees included Dammith Fonseka for Sri Lanka for his resolution to save Sri Lanka’s film heritage, and Chiranjibi Guragain from Nepal for initiating a digitization project for Nepal’s film heritage. Virchand Dharamsey of India received the Lifetime Achievement Award for his extraordinary dedication as a chronicler of the fragile history of India’s silent cinema.

relevant to the film industry.