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Electioneering heats up for Nagaland ULB elections


Assuming full responsibility for the debacle and respecting the people’s verdict, Moatoshi expressed regret that his party, the NDPP, failed to grasp the sentiments of the electorate before the Lok Sabha election. However, with the results now clear, he acknowledged that they have come to understand the feelings of the Naga people.

By Imna Longchar, TFM Nagaland Correspondent

Following the recent 18th Lok Sabha elections, where the lone seat was grabbed by the Congress, two major political parties shared their perspectives on the “60 versus 0” debacle. Both parties provided insight into their defeat in the LS election on the same day, albeit on different occasions.

Nagaland’s Advisor for Labour, Employment, Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, and Excise, Moatoshi Longkumer, while speaking at the declaration program of Limawati Imchen’s candidacy for the Urban Local Body (ULB) in Ward-23, Viola Colony, Dimapur, emphasized that before delving into the much-discussed “debacle,” it is essential to reflect on the “criticisms” that led to the failure in assuming responsibilities.

Assuming full responsibility for the debacle and respecting the people’s verdict, Moatoshi expressed regret that his party, the Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP), failed to grasp the sentiments of the electorate before the Lok Sabha election. However, with the results now clear, he acknowledged that they have come to understand the feelings of the Naga people.

Maintaining that Dr Chumben Murry’s defeat in the recent 18th Lok Sabha elections was not his fault, the Nagaland advisor to various departments acknowledged that the outcome was influenced by the actions of certain “Hindu fanatics,” including groups like Bajrang Dal, RSS, and VHP, who were involved in the burning of churches in Manipur. Additionally, the Assam State Assembly’s resolution to pass a bill against the so-called “Anti-Healing Service” also played a significant role.

Moatoshi said that though many blame the Churches, he personally believes that they should not be held responsible, as they have always upheld the tenets of religious beliefs and stood for the right path.

While stating that the NDPP and its leaders would always uphold the very sanctity of religious belief of the state and would always keep in mind and understand the very sentiments of the people of Nagaland, Moatoshi urged the attendees to trust his “assurance” as whatever might happen, would always voice against the atrocities committed against any individuals or believers belonging to a particular religion.

Dwelling on the very personality of the candidate, Limawati Imchen, Moatoshi illustrated the party’s candidate as simple, humble man with few words but with many visions and commitments towards the party as shown during his tenure as the president of NDPP’s II Dimapur-2 A/C.

The advisor also went on to add that if only the people of his ward support Limawati Imchen in the ensuing ULB elections, he would be the next “Chhota MLA” from Dimapur for which a “support system” has to be initiated.

In the midst of the many who have gathered to listen to the voice of the NDPP’s candidature for the Ward No 23, the newly included in the index of the Municipality, under II Dimapur-2, the declaration programme of Limawati Imchen’s candidature to the upcoming ULB elections held at the Viola Council Hall, chaired by Kerei Pfukha (chief agent-ward-23) saw associate pastor, DABA, Imnatoshi Longkumer, invoking God’s blessings while short speeches were delivered by Ao Senso  Telongjem, Dimapur, Viola Colony Council, State Environment and Forest Institute (SEFTI). Benediction was proposed by Robert Lkr, Dimapur Lirmen Tamang Telongjem.

Officials of Watsu Mungdang, Dimapur, Ao Youth Organization, and also the unopposed candidate from Lhomithi Colony, Hokheto, and others also attended the programme.

NDPP president, Dimapur Region, Vitoshe Awomi, said that the elections to the Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC), and the two municipals—Mokokchung, and Kohima, along with the town council elections were kept in abeyance for almost two decades as the last was held in the year 2004.

Making his stand clear that election is a democratic process, Awomi, however made it cautious that there shouldn’t be divisive through ism, party lines as seen, observed, and had experienced during the past elections in the state.

He was also on to the observation that a “harbinger” has to be put forth to thwart the very conscious minds of the voter (s) who play/s a “number game”.

Vitoshe asked all to work together to let the NDPP intending candidate from the Ward No 23 to win with a “thumping majority” to let him work for the services of the public.

‘Nagas are wise, more clever than anyone but need to be cautious,’ says Azo Nienu

Leader of the NPF Legislative Party (NPFLP), Nagaland, Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu on Friday categorically underlined that the Nagas are “wise and clever” than anyone but need to be more cautious while exercising their adult franchise.

Attending as one of the “star campaigners” at the declaration cum campaign kick-start for the Independent Candidate of Dietho Rakho, under Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC)’s Ward No.6, held evening at the vicinity of Hotel Yak, near Hongkong market, Dimapur,  Azo said that while exercising the franchise there shouldn’t be any “confusion” whom to vote or not while also asking not to criticize any party which cannot deliver the best.

With a notion that awareness has to be created among the voters before the ensuing ULBs elections in the state of Nagaland, Azo said, “Let us be more cautious, wiser, cleverer in our voting system” as one needs to realize the “power” of the voting system and rights of an individuals’ vote.

Stating that an individual’s vote is “instrumental” in shaping one’s life and a future that foresees “better or forward”, but the NPFLP leader came down heavily that the leaders in the state of Nagaland are almost criticized though as a leader need to digest the very brunt by taking it positively.

In this critique, Azo said it is the voters’ “fault” as they don’t elect themselves but give a chance to the people for another term of five years thereby electing the same leaders while criticizing for the same.

The NPFLP leader, Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu, has also said that “funds will flow down” now as earlier the same were “criminally utilized” in such a manner that the public were not aware of the funds pumped from the Central Government for the development before the municipalities or the town councils were introduced.

He later said that with the many in the fray for the municipal and town council elections due on June 26 and some of the seats already being declared as unopposed, accountability and transparency in the state is being foreseen.


Dimapurians facing ‘lots’ in different guise

President, RPP, Joel Naga, who is also one of the Star campaigners for Dietho Rhakho, the Independent candidate, Ward No 6, under Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC), while speaking in the campaign highlighted about the party’s ideology and its decision to support either candidate (s) of the Congress or Independent fielding in the  upcoming ULB elections later this month.

Mentioning that the residents of Dimapur has been facing many problems in drainage systems coupled with the unwarranted multiple taxations by the various “underground” factions, the many unions mushrooming in the only commercial hub of the state, Joel said that  Rhakho could be a “voice” for those many business establishments as his Ward falls under the busy business centre including Hongkong Market, Hazi Park market, night bus stations, and the railway station.

Joel went on to add that Dietho Rhakho who was the first president of Chakhesang Student’s Union Dimapur (CSUD) for two terms, treasurer of Naga Council Dimapur (NCD), and former president, Western Chakhesang Hoho (WCH), till has committed to public services.


Mandate to do with drainage and road conditions: Dietho Rhakho

Having a mandate of himself to do away with the drainage systems which ultimately leads to clogged or submerged roads most often seen in many pockets of Dimapur, especially, in the area of Blue Hill bus stations, taxi stand, railways stations, and also important markets like Hongkong Market, Hazi Park Market and other areas, the intending candidate from Ward No.6, Dietho Rhakho, felt that a “Ward Developmental Committee (WDC)” is necessitated at this juncture.

Having been privileged to have been associated with the Naga Council Dimapur (NCD), as treasurer, and also a part of the NCD delegations to New Delhi to meet the prime minister of India to talk on the issue of the unresolved Naga political issue, Rakho said Dimapur is “gateway” to Nagaland but curbed with unpromising activities including taxes, high prices in common commodities including vegetables.

In this regard, if given a chance to him, together with the people’s support, unitedly all these could be thwart off.

The WDC could comprise of all from different walks of life including businessmen and women, youth, and medical department, he added.


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