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DNSU endorse NSF’s call to only let ‘indigenous candidate’ contest in Nagaland ULB elections


In a joint press statement issued by the newly assumed DNSU office president, Hinoto P Aomi, and general secretary, Michael Kath, stated that it pledged allegiance to the principle of “Naga by blood, not by adoption” in exercising its stand (candidate) in the ULB and town council elections in Nagaland

By Imna Longchar, TFM Nagaland Correspondent

The Dimapur Naga Student’s Union (DNSU) on Wednesday said that it has “unanimously” resolved to endorse the stance of the Naga Student’s Federation (NSF) in making a “clarion call” for only indigenous candidate (s) to contest in the ensuing ULB elections due on June 26 encompassing three municipal councils and 36 town councils.

In a joint press statement issued by the newly assumed DNSU office president, Hinoto P Aomi, and general secretary, Michael Kath, stated that it pledged allegiance to the principle of “Naga by blood, not by adoption” in exercising its stand (candidate) in the ULB and town council elections in Nagaland.

Saying that in the densely populated municipalities particularly in Dimapur, DNSU said Nagas in a way had faced the risk of “cultural dilution” due to the influx of “non-locals” especially through the medium of “inter-marriage and adoption” which was and is alarming issue (s) which is efficiently and deliberately discussed citing that every conscientious Naga support the “steadfast stance” of the Naga Student’s Federation (NSF).

Welcoming the 33 percent women reservation at the same time expressing gratitude to the present government in letting to conduct the ULB elections after almost two decades, the DNSU has also appealed the State Election Commission (SEC) and the government to ensure that no untoward incident (s) happens in order to conduct “free and fair” election.

Further, the DNSU has directed its officials to refrain from any sort of “political campaign” under its banner.

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