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Congress names 8 candidates for Nagaland municipal- town council elections


NPCC vice-president L Chuba Yimkhiung said that the Congress has carefully chosen the candidates for the ensuing ULB elections and expressed his optimism that the “chosen candidates” would be a good “agent” of the party

By Imna Longchar, TFM Nagaland Correspondent

Concurrent to its earlier commitment that the Congress would be fielding its candidates and contesting in all the seats in the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and the town council elections in the state, the Congress party (DCC) on Friday distributed the party tickets to eight candidates, including five men and three women as part of its first phase.

Elections to the three municipals and 36 town councils are due on June 26 which will also see new faces in the fray as young as 25 years old in age.

The recipients of the tickets were from Dimapur, Chumoukedima, and Niuland districts.

Speaking at the ticket distribution programme, NPCC vice-president L Chuba Yimkhiung, who is also in-charge of Dimapur, and has the distinction of being committed to the party for more than 40 years while addressing the gatherings during the ticket distribution said that the Congress party has carefully chosen the candidates for the ensuing ULB elections and expressed his optimism that the “chosen candidates” would be a good “agent” of the Congress party.

Also addressing the gathering was state ULB election committee, Kisheto Chishi, who underlined that in the recently held Lok Sabha election, the Congress candidate, S Supongmeren Jamir, has won the lone seat without any support from any other quarters  which had showed that the Nagas has still got a mandate for the Congress party.

Former NPCC president, K Therie, who also spoke at the programme said that the recent victory of the Congress party in the state itself speaks volumes of the “victory of faith of the people”  towards the party.

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