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NSCN (IM) to observe 9th anniversary of Framework Agreement on August 3 at Hebron

A file picture of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with NSCN I-M chief Th Muivah.

“We highly praise the political statesmanship of late Chairman Isak Chishi Swu and General Secretary Th.Muivah for bringing this milestone achievement of FA which has undone out rightly all the past agreements including the 16 Point Memorandum of July 26, 1960 and Shillong Accord of November 11, 1975,” said MIP, NSCN (IM).

By Imna Longchar, TFM Nagaland Correspondent

The NSCN (IM) is all set to observe a “thanksgiving programme” on August 3 at its CHQ Church, Hebron, coinciding with the commemoration of the 9th “historic Indo-Naga Framework Agreement” signed on the same date and month in 2015 between the government of India (GoI), and the NSCN.

According to MIP, NSCN (IM), the proposed programme was to recall its glorious “national struggle” and the importance of political achievements lest one forgets thereby thrusting into that “Naga nationhood is a conscious decision, and that Nagas never ever consented to be a part of any other nation and resisted every invasion.

NSCN (IM) MIP in a press release stated that when the turn of the world brought about the finest opportunity, Nagas had taken a firm stand and “jealously” guarded what is theirs while also adding that the “Naga Club” submitted a memorandum to the Simon Commission on January 10, 1929, that Nagas should be left alone to determine for themselves.

The Naga National Council (NNC) declared Naga Independence on August 14, 1947, a day ahead of India’s Independence on August 15, the same year.

“Nagas were not signatories to the Panglong Agreement of February 12, 1947 which paved the way for the formation of Myanmar (erstwhile Burma) on January 4, 1948. A thumb print referendum in the form of plebiscite was conducted on May 16, 1951 whereby 99.9 percent of the Nagas voted to be independent. It is a historical that that the occupational military forces made use of every means available and desperate attempts have been made to crush the Nagas”, the NSCN (IM) MIP added.

Also informing that the Indian state sent thousands of heavily armed troops empowered with Armed Forces (Special Power) Act (AFSPA) into “Nagalim” and so also the military Junta of Myanmar, however, it was learnt that the Nagas did not accept the “forcible occupation” their territory including arbitrary bifurcation of Naga territory between India and Myanmar, and further placing of Naga territory into different administrative set-ups either in India or Myanmar.

Undoubtedly, Nagas stood on their solid ground, that Nagas are not Indians or Burmese as the case may be. This has cost us heavily in terms of blood, tears and sweats. It is our pride and honour to be who and what we are. We cling on to our heritage no matter what, NSCN (IM)’s MIP supplemented.

Mentioning that NSCN (IM)’s legacy has been “officially admitted” by the government of India (GoI) for the first time that military solution was not possible as it is a political conflict between India and Nagalim, and not internal problem of India which required a political solution, subsequently, the government of India (GoI) has officially invited the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN-IM) for political talks and as such a ceasefire was declared on August 1, 1997 on the following principles:

That the talks should be without precondition, at the highest Prime Minister level, venue should be in a third country outside India and an involvement of a third party is kept open ended. Following a long earnest negotiation, among others, a very important historic Framework Agreement of August 3, 2015 was signed between the GoI and NSCN in the presence of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and Hon’ble General Secretary and Ato Kilonser (Chief Negotiator) of NSCN/GPRN along with high dignitaries from both the parties wherein the GoI has duly recognized and acknowledged the unique history and sovereignty of Nagalim.

The statement said, “We highly praise the political statesmanship of late Chairman Isak Chishi Swu and General Secretary Th.Muivah for bringing this milestone achievement of FA which has undone out rightly all the past agreements including the 16 Point Memorandum of July 26, 1960 and Shillong Accord of November 11, 1975.” The FA is a testament of GoI recognizing Nagalim as a sovereign state. Therefore, Nagalim national flag and constitution are integral part of FA and duly recognized and acknowledged in the letter and spirit of FA. The Nagas should treasure and hold on the FA unsparingly lest we miss the sure promise of God. Why should we allow doubt and confusion to seal the doom of our fate? Our course is set: we are very sure and certain of what is ours and what we must be.

The 9th anniversary of the FA signed between the government of India and the NSCN (IM) would also be a reminder about the Naga Club submitting a memorandum to the Simon Commission on January 10, 1929 that Nagas should be left alone to determine for themselves.

Acknowledging the political statesmanship of late Chairman Isak Chishi Swu, and General Secretary, Th Muivah, for bringing this milestone achievement of FA which has undone out rightly all the past agreements including the 16 Point Memorandum of July 26, 1960, and Shillong Accord of November 11, 1975, the NSCN (IM) said that the FA is a testament of GoI recognizing Nagalim as a sovereign state, and therefore Nagalim national flag and constitution are integral part of FA and duly recognized and acknowledged in the letter and spirit of FA.

Further it said that the Nagas should treasure and hold on the FA unsparingly lest it misses the sure promise of God.

Meanwhile, the programme would be led by deputy secretary, Inakali Chishi Swu, with an invocation by pastor, CHQ Church, Hebron, Dijinbou Newmai, a speech will be delivered by “Yaruiwo” Q Tuccu, where a patriotic song will be presented by Asau Pame.

The thanksgiving prayer will be offered by general secretary, CNC, Rev Seksim Kasar, while the programme would end with benediction by MSM, Chaplain, CHQ Church, Naga Army, “Lieut Col” Khuvishe Wotsa.

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